Riverside is an near all family firm that has been helping our wildlife since 2007 – and now they have allowed us to offer their stuff !
And they have a lot of ‘stuff’, but all are items designed to help our native fauna and, particularly in the case of their bird tables, allow us to enjoy the wonderful diversity in our gardens.
3 Bat Homes
Bat Houses
We know lots of people who are scared of bats, but why ?
I love seeing them swoop around at dusk and as for them getting in your hair, humph... nonsense I say ......nonsense !
Bats have declined tremendously over recent years with all this human ‘progress’, why not give them a home to replace all those wonderful ‘Batty’ areas our forward march have taken away ?
3 Bat Roosts (or better– Homes !) £41.00
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Unfortunately it is not just Bats that have declined so drastically recently.
I’m of a Mrs Tiggy Winkle age, and nothing horrifies me more than to read what various scumbags have done to these innocent, helpful lovely creatures.
But it is not just these people of twisted minds have depleted the species, again it is the march of progress whether in agriculture, housing or just a need for tidiness that has led to 50 % (YES, half) of these little creatures disappearing since 2000.
Hedgehog House
Its staggered entrance makes it very difficult for unwanted visitors, and its covered feeding area is perfect for al fresco dining.
Handmade from recycled material this Hedgehog home, completely water proof and rot proof, is hand made in the U.K.
525 mm long and 385 mm wide – and that’s not including the tunnel – there’s enough room for the whole family.
A real safe and secure home to bring up the hoglets, and to rest easy when they’ve left home !
Eco Hedgehog House
At 500 mm long and 380 mm wide this handmade hedgehog home is really fine for both daytime resting and longer hibernation.
Warm and dry with its recycled roof, the staggered entrance lets your hedgehogs gently rest in peace.
Eco Hedgehog Home with ‘Starter’ Kit
Would you like to go one step further to encourage your hedgehogs into your haven ?
How about adding the height of Hedgehog decor and amenities ?
Tempting hedgehog food, both dry and a really meaty tin.
A ‘Hedgehog Feeding Guide’ by Pat Morris, 2 ceramic water/food bowls and even some fresh hay for comfy bedding
(they will make their own beds !)
Eco Hedgehog Home with ‘Starter’ Kit £74.50
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Remember though, although they may hate the tidying up, a bit of a clean out (please wear gloves, they restrict your scent too) after the kids have gone would be a great help to keep your hedgehogs healthy.
Our Bird table is in front of our kitchen window, and is the only thing that makes washing up enjoyable !
(Apart from when a Sparrow Hawk decided our Bird Table was his Breakfast Bar !)
Beautiful birds mind, and Nature is not always kind !
We see so many birds feasting, squabbling or just chilling on our Bird table, and some just like sheltering from the rain.
But do you know our wild bird numbers have declined by over 50% - yep more than half their population – between 1970 and 2017.
If possible this statistic is even more frightening than our hedghog decline !
( Take a look at
Why do we see so many birds ?
‘Cos we feed ‘em !
( But their domestic manners and hygiene are awful – so clean your bird table really regularly.)
Here are some of the best of Riverside’s bird table designs, but if you would like a particular style please just ask.

Baby Triple Platform Bird Table
With its several feeding stations (allowing the little uns to keep away from the big uns) this generous – the main table is 385x385mm (about 1’3”) – will allow loads of birds at once to get tucking in.
I’m never ceased to be amazed at the kaleidoscope of colour and energy played out on our patio !
‘Slate Roofed ‘Baby Triple’ Bird Table £130.00
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This is the ‘Denby’ Bird Table
This lovely little table is ideal for perhaps a smaller garden, or perhaps as an ‘overflow’ offering different types of food.
(I’m always fascinated to see which species goes for which tucker.)
Not exactly small however, the feeding table is 320 mm square
(just over 1’) and the overall height is 1630 mm
The ‘Denby’ Bird Table £69.00
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The ‘Lodge’ Bird Table
If you would like your birds to have a bit more room, perhaps this bird table is the one for your garden.
The table is 385 mm square and the overall height is 1690 mm.
Our record for different species at one time on our table is 6 - Goldfinch, Green Finch, Bull Finch, Blue Tit, Great Tit and Dunnock - and you will need a bigger table like this to beat us !
Unless you go for the ‘Triple Decker’ or the ‘Premium’ of course.)
The ‘Lodge’ Bird Table £116.00
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This is the ‘Premium’ Bird Feeding Station.
This is, although I guess I should not say it, my favourite.
It is elegant yet functional and lets lots of the birds feed at the same time.
The roof on this really solid table is recycled plastic (and Kaolin) and I think it just looks so lovely.
You will really see a whole flurry of birdlife with this table.
The ‘Premium’ Twin Swinger £130.00
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